Natural Ways To Stop Menstruation Problems In Women

Natural Ways to stop Menstruation problems in women

Menstruation problem could be seen by all woman in there life starts from puberty time. Menstruation starts when girl get matured and in her body changes her sexual hormones. It does not actually come during pregnancy after giving birth to a child their period of child delievery.

Menstruation means that bleeding comes out from female sexual organ and it remains around for seven days. In women body ovaries contain eggs and at the time when these eggs get matured because of hormones circulating in the blood. After realizing eggs that they come out in the form of bleeding this is called menstruation. There are so many other females suffered many problem related to menstruation like gaps in menstrual cycle and excess bleeding and pain and lack of bleeding. It is only because of many physical and psychological problems like stress, depression, hormonal imbalance, anemia, over weight and problem illness. There are wide variety of many medicines to cure these menstrual disorder but these medications have so many other side effects. There is no so permanament cure to stop menstruation. But there are few other natural ways to stop menstrual disorders.


Some natural way to cure menstrual disorders

Many woman face problem of heavy bleeding and pain during menstruation. There are many helpful cures to stop heavy bleeding like exercises and yoga are just very effective treatment to deal with the excessive bleeding and pain. By doing exercises you can avoid problem of excess bleeding. Yoga also helps to lessen your stress and problem of depression and improves your proper health. Exercises give you energy and also relaxation to your mind and also provide oxygen to brain.

Reduce sugar and sweets of all kinds. Take nutritious diet it will assist you to give energy. Also avoid spicy food.

Water is one very effective to stop heavy menstruation. Water as well helps in cleaning the infection through urine. Drink at least 8 to 10 glasses in a day. Water also helps you in increasing the energy and then reducing pain.

During menstruation it so effective to consume raw fruits and vegetables like apples and cucumber. Take a juice of raw apple and add vinegar and then also add water. Consume once in a day it will help you in lessen of excessive bleeding. This solution also helps you in problem of reducing pain.

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You may be interested in reading Natural Ways to stop Menstruation problems and Women Health Supplements and for more health products visit Herbal Supplements Author: Dr Ronym

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