How To Make A Searchable Pdf A Reality

Click Here For More Specific Information On: Horizon Cg byadmin There are a number of reasons as to why PDF documents are useful in many markets today. However, when it comes to PDF files, there are many who are looking for ways in which they can make a more searchable PDF. The good news is for many today, with the right OCR processing software programs it is easy and possible to turn image only PDF files into searchable PDF documents. Many find it essential to have searchable PDF documents for…

Russia cuts off gas supplies to Ukraine

Sunday, January 1, 2006 Russia has ended exports of natural gas to neighbouring Ukraine following a failure to reach a compromise over prices. Gazprom, Russia’s natural gas behemoth, began cutting off supplies at 7:00 a.m. UTC Sunday, January 1. Gazprom claims to have taken this action because Ukraine refuses to pay the market rate for natural gas which is approximately four times higher than the price previously agreed upon by the two. Ukraine has stated that they are not averse to higher prices but believe they ought to be introduced…
